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Monday, March 4, 2019

Daily Freedom Challenge: My Testimonial

Like everyone else, I signed up into DFC's new website roughly 3 weeks+ ago.
As my sponsor was also the co-coordinating Admin, I lagged behind a bit because he was all given to making sure the on-boarding was seamless. Like all true leaders, his own personal 'affairs' (that is his own direct team) was his least concern.
After 2 days of take-off,  I finally received from my Sponsor, the Admin, my signup link.
Like most people who were new to the community program  followed the instruction to the letter.
I bought my one position of 20 cents and added my 2 invitees. Most of them did nothing, I even paid them in.
Well, I kept on inviting and it looks like the system actually loves those who invited others.
Here's my dashboard score for an investment I made with 20 cents and 2 down lines over a 3 week period. Period in which I stalled a lot not sure what to do or not to do.

Click here to join DFC

Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Daily Freedom Challenge

You are invited to take The Daily Freedom Challenge which doubles $0.20 for 30 levels. We are simply a collection of like-minded individuals committed to a cause ~ financial freedom. It's a simple crowd funding plan that cost only $0.20 out of pocket and with dedication, will only take 30 levels to complete. 
You receive donations directly to your BTC wallet as there is no central bank or wallet and funds are not passed up the line. You're it! 

We are a community of like-minded people bound by the notion that we can help each other fulfill our dreams, goals, and mitigate our needs. Among us, we have Pastors, teachers, missionaries, and all manner of people trying to do good in their communities and families. Our goal is to help relieve financial stress from our members around the world. This is our mission. We portend to be nothing more or less than a simple ‘Crowdfunding’ system designed to help our members reach their fundraising goals. This Community is not responsible for missing or incomplete information. There are no refunds. Please, read the Terms and Conditions section for further guidance.
To join my team in the matrix follow this link

Putting My Trust In Online Business And Opportunities

We are here all connected because we put our trust in online business and earning opportunities. Our need to make one extra dollar or more to help us give ourselves, our loved ones and our friends a better life experience unite us.
In every moneymaking or online work group, members offer and invite fellow members to programs that often in the end exploit some while enriching others. Whereas a sense of community holds us believing we are among safe people, many of us are actually taking advantage of many members like dogs looking to eat the next dog!
Do we really feel good swindling others? We are in this community, not so. Has life become this desperate?
From experience, we rarely know the program that will fail. If I know, I would not join, let alone inviting others. Only the swindlers know their plans. We just keep having faith that we would eventually find an honest program.
Imagine, if indeed there is such a program. Everyone would be in it and many more people would decide to work online. Still, may be not! I must see that there are those members who would rather prey on others to enrich themselves faster.
Can we not do better?
The group Admins facilitates our gathering here. Maybe they can do something to better our experience. Maybe they can do something to vet programs that members offer. Most programs look good and promising from the go. The swindlers only reveal their intent much later after people have worked hard for them free, or have invested money expecting to withdraw their earnings.
They make themselves out as generous and benevolent seeking the increased well-being of their prospects. Often they just lure enough people to pool money into their hands, and then they switch, disabling their links or just leave it on to entrap others, while avoiding any contact with subscribers whatsoever.
It seems so unfair that being in the social media group environment exposes us to a few criminal minded people who have perfected the art of stealing by way of abusing our trust.
Is there no honest and enduring online moneymaking program?
Are the honest ones among us hoping on wind?
Is there no honest online moneymaking program of the likes bandied about by these swindlers that provides sufficiently to make a living?